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foto bersejarah pewarnaan ulang 5

Foto adalah salah satu media yang bisa mengabadikan momen atau sebuah kejadian. Ketika melihat foto bersejarah hitam putih, sering terlupakan bahwa kehidupan pada zaman itu juga kaya dengan warna. Meskipun teknologi kamera belum secanggih seperti sekarang, namun warna kehidupan pada saat itu sama dengan warna-warna hari ini, seolah-olah gambaran buram dan tak “hidup”.

Komunitas orang-orang pecinta sejarah yang berkumpul dalam wadah Reddit, menyadari hal itu dan mengerjakan proyek untuk membawa kembali warna ke galeri foto bersejarah hitam putih. Proyek “COLORIZED HISTORY” (r/ColorizedHistory) yang didedikasikan demi hasil imaji yang berkualitas tinggi ini, kontribusi dari para seniman digital baik profesional maupun amatir yang memiliki ketrampilan olah digital. Mereka semua menggunakan bahan referensi sejarah terkait serta kepekaan warna dari mata alami untuk mewarnai.
Dan the colorizers, demikian mereka menyebut dirinya, memang tidak mengklaim mereka selalu akurat soal pilihan warna. Sebab riset mereka dapat mengetahui warna dari sebuah bendera negara atau logo resmi, tetapi lebih sulit untuk menentukan warna rok seorang wanita, misalnya.
Bagaimana pun, proyek ini berhasil membuat kita melihat rangkaian foto bersejarah yang menunjang pandangan baru. Foto-foto yang merekam berbagai sejarah umat manusia kini hadir dalam warna. Foto hitam putih yang dikerjakan cukup banyak, mulai peristiwa besar politik, bencana, perang, keseharian (daily life), sampai portrait figur seperti Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, pengarang Mark Twain, dan lain-lain.

1. Foto Bersejarah – Raising The Flag Over Iwo Jima

foto bersejarah pewarnaan ulang
Colorized by: zuzahin
foto bersejarah pewarnaan ulang 2
Photograph via: probell.com

2. Foto Bersejarah – British Troops Cheerfully Board their Train for the First Stage of their Trip to the Western Front, England September 20, 1939

Colorized by: BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
Photograph via: photosofwar.net

3. Foto Bersejarah – Albert Einstein, Summer 1939 Nassau Point, Long Island, NY

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Colorized by: Edvos
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Photograph via: canasanta.com

4. Foto Bersejarah – Abandoned Boy Holding a Stuffed Toy Animal, London 1945

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Colorized by: HansLucifer
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Photograph via Toni Frissel

5. Foto Bersejarah – ‘Old Gold’, Country Store, 1939

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Colorized by: photojacker
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Photograph via: Dorothea Lange

6. Foto Bersejarah – Auto Wreck in Washington D.C, 1921

Auto Wreck in Washington D.C, 1921
Colorized by: Sanna Dullaway
Auto Wreck in Washington D.C, 1921
Photograph via: hqdesktop.net

7. Foto Bersejarah – View from Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee During the Civil War, 1864

View from Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee During the Civil War, 1864
Colorized by: Sanna Dullaway
View from Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee During the Civil War, 1864
Photograph via: nashville.about.com

8. Foto Bersejarah - W.H. Murphy and His Associate Demonstrating their Bulletproof Vest on October 13, 1923

W.H. Murphy and His Associate Demonstrating their Bulletproof Vest on October 13, 1923
Colorized by: zuzahin
W.H. Murphy and His Associate Demonstrating their Bulletproof Vest on October 13, 1923
Photograph via: National Photo Company

9. Foto Bersejarah - The Three Kennedy brothers Pose Outside the Oval Office

The Three Kennedy brothers Pose Outside the Oval Office
Colorized by: BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
The Three Kennedy brothers Pose Outside the Oval Office
Photograph via: ImaginaryHistory on Reddit

10. Foto Bersejarah - Neil Armstrong Training for the Appolo Mission

Neil Armstrong Training for the Appolo Mission
Colorized by: zuzahin
Neil Armstrong Training for the Appolo Mission
Photograph via: blog.usa.gov

11. Foto Bersejarah - Nikola Tesla, 1893

Nikola Tesla, 1893
Colorized by: Danna Keller
Nikola Tesla, 1893
Photograph via: Napoleon Sarony

12. Foto Bersejarah – Mark Twain in the Garden, Circa 1900

Mark Twain in the Garden, Circa 1900
Colorized by: zuzahin
Mark Twain in the Garden, Circa 1900
Photograph via: imgur.com

13. Foto Bersejarah – Joseph Goebbels Scowling at Photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt after Finding out he’s Jewish, 1933

Colorized by: photojacker
Photograph via: life.time.com

14. Foto Bersejarah – Charlie Chaplin at the Age of 27, 1916

Charlie Chaplin at the Age of 27, 1916
Colorized by: BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
Charlie Chaplin at the Age of 27, 1916
Photograph via: wikipedia.org

15. Foto Bersejarah – Japanese Archers, Circa 1860

Japanese Archers, Circa 1860
Colorized by: photojacker
Japanese Archers, Circa 1860

16. Foto Bersejarah – Hindenburg Disaster, May 6, 1937

Hindenburg Disaster May 6 1937
Colorized by: Dana Keller
Hindenburg Disaster May 6 1937
Photograph via: Murray Becker

17. Foto Bersejarah – Elvis Presley Meets Secretly with President Nixon to Become a “Federal Agent at Large in the War on Drugs”, December 1970

Elvis Presley meets secretly with President Nixon to become a Federal Agent at Large in the War on Drugs, December 1970
Colorized by: ExtraNoise
Elvis Presley meets secretly with President Nixon to become a Federal Agent at Large in the War on Drugs, December 1970
Photograph via: wikipedia.org

18. Foto Bersejarah – Martin Luther King Jr. & other Civil Rights leaders meeting with President John F. Kennedy & Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson in the Oval Office during the Civil Rights March

Martin Luther King Jr. and other Civil Rights leaders meeting with President John F. Kennedy & Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson in the Oval Office during the Civil Rights March
Colorized by: zuzahin
Martin Luther King Jr. and other Civil Rights leaders meeting with President John F. Kennedy & Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson in the Oval Office during the Civil Rights March
Photograph via: biography.com

19. Foto Bersejarah – Big Jay McNeely Driving the Crowd at the Olympic Auditorium into a Frenzy, Los Angeles, 1953

Big Jay McNeely Driving the Crowd at the Olympic Auditorium into a Frenzy, Los Angeles, 1953
Colorized by: traquea
Big Jay McNeely Driving the Crowd at the Olympic Auditorium into a Frenzy, Los Angeles, 1953
Photograph via: Bob Willoughby

 20. Foto Bersejarah – Malcolm X chats with Muhammad Ali – New York 1963

Malcolm X chats with Muhammad Ali - New York 1963
Colorized by: BenAfleckIsAnOkActor
Malcolm X chats with Muhammad Ali - New York 1963

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